【单选题】When is the Engine Driven Pump in the depressurized mode?
- When the ENG 2 PUMP pushbutton is set to OFF.
- The engine pump cannot be depressurized as long as the engine is running.
- The engine pump is automatically depressurized if the output pressure drops below 1450 psi.
【简答题】患者,男性,50岁。2小时前木棒击伤左颞部,伤后头痛、呕吐,1小时前意识不清。查体:中度昏迷,左瞳孔散大,右侧肢体病理征+。诊断考虑为A. 颅骨凹陷骨折伴脑疝B. 硬脑膜下血肿伴脑疝C. 硬脑膜外血肿伴脑疝D. 颅脑损伤伴脑疝E. 原发脑干损伤
【单选题】When the ship in the condition of stand-by and engine trials, usually put the engine telegraph in the ____ position.