【单选题】He is ______ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.
【单选题】虚拟现实(virtual reality,VR)技术是利用计算机生成虚拟环境,逼真地模拟人在自然环境中的视觉、听觉、运动等行为的人机交互的新技术。虚拟现实的3I特性不包括( )。
【单选题】The author is ______ about the future development of robots.
【单选题】The author's attitude towards the 'hacker' phenomenon can be described as ______.
【简答题】摄影主题作业1: 学院运动会期间拍摄照片并解说。 具体要求: 1、本次拍摄只需要拍摄某一个运动项目,不需要多拍。 2、选择某一个运动项目后需要拍摄3张照片,分别为该项运动全貌,精彩瞬间,人物特写三个场景,其中人物特写必须是这个运动项目的冠军或者亚军。 3、作业要求运动会举行完毕就立即提交,超时不收。 4、要求给每张照片配备15-50个字的解说。 6、照片直接插入作业中。
【单选题】The example given about a young wife shows that ______.
the dividing line between optimists and pessimists
young women today suffer a lot in doing housework
most of young wives are pessimists
the pessimists are used to thinking of everything negatively