【简答题】以下程序运行后的输出结果是【 】。 define S(x)4*x*x+1 mah() { int i=6,j=8; printf('%d/n',S(i+j)); }
【简答题】Watch a movie clip and fill in the missing words: the day after tomorrow_clip.mp4 Script of clip from the day after tomorrow Jack : The 1) ___________ of these natural greenhouse gases in the ice core...
【判断题】个人跨统筹地区就业的,其基本养老保险关系随本人转移,达到法定退休年龄时,基本养老金分段计算、分别支付。( )
【单选题】按照《社会保险法》规定,个人跨统筹地区就业的,其基本养老保险、基本医疗保险和失业保险关系随本人转移,缴费年限( )。
【简答题】以下程序运行后的输出结果是。main(){ char s[]='GEFDCBA' int p=6While(s[p]!=’D’){ printf('%c',p)p=p-1 }}
【简答题】Watch a movie clip and fill in the missing words: the day after tomorrow.rmvb Script of clip from the day after tomorrow Jack : The 1) ___________ of these natural greenhouse gases in the ice cores 2)...
【简答题】Professor Hall: The concentration of these natural (1) ____________________ in the ice cores indicates that runaway warming pushed Earth into an (2) ___________ which lasted two centuries. Diplomat A:...
【简答题】如图所示,让一束太阳光通过挡光板的夹缝照射到三棱镜的一个侧面上,用光屏接收到从三棱镜的另一侧出射的光线。 (1)实验时,一边慢慢转动三棱镜,一边注意观察光屏,在光屏上可观察到彩色光带,这说明___________________________。 (2)如果分辨不清光屏上彩色光带的色彩,可以适当_________(选填“增大”或“减小”)光屏与三棱镜间的距离。 (3)光屏上A、B是彩色光带边缘的色...