【简答题】为了求得 E 点的高程,分别从已知水准点 A,B,C 出发进行水准测量,计算得到 E 点的高程值及各段的路线长列于下表中,试求 (1) E 点高程的加权平均值 ( 取位至 mm ) ; 78.321m (2) 单位权中误差; (3) E 点高程加权平均值的中误差。 路线 E 点 高程值 (m) 路线长 ( km ) 权 改正数 (mm) A → E 78.316 2.5 B → E 78.329 ...
【简答题】The idea about the phoenix goes back to Ancient Egypt, where we find the phoenix described as a handsome, eagle-like bird, with part-golden, part-red plumage, that spent most of its life in the Arabia...