【单选题】由集成运放A1、A2等元器件组成的反馈放大电路如图所示。设A1、A2均为理想运放。电阻R 2 阻值增加,则级间负反馈的反馈深度将________;
【简答题】下列各项中,属于事业单位财务报表构成内容的有( )。 A.会计报表附注 B.资产负债表 C.收入支出表或收入费用表 D.财政补助收入支出表
【单选题】You are having a business lunch when your phone rings. It is an important phone call that you have been waiting for days. So the polite way to handle this situation is _______.
take the call at the table and try to be quiet so you won’t disturb the other diners during the call
turn your phone off completely and collect your voice mail messages afterward
tell your associates at lunch that you’re expecting an important call, put your phone on vibrate mode and when the call does come, excuse yourself, leave the table and go to a place where no one can hear you. When you return to the table, thank your guest allowing you to take the call and don’t apologize or talk about the nature of the call.
【单选题】应在库存商品明细账发出方“其他数量”栏内登记的业务是( )。
【单选题】拌法有生拌、熟拌、生熟拌三种方法,( )冷菜属于 生拌法。
【单选题】由集成运放A 1 、A 2 等元器件组成的反馈放大电路如图所示。设A 1 、A 2 均为理想运放。试分析电阻R 5 阻值增大,则级间负反馈的反馈深度将_________________;