【单选题】人身意外伤害保险投保时,一般由保险公司事先拟定好条款,投保方只需做出“是”与 “否”的附和,这是指( )。[2008年真题
【单选题】She did not stop blaming the boy until she suddenly _____ what she said might have hurt him.
【单选题】企业收到投资者投入的设备一台,原价为 60 , 000 元,双方认可的估价数为 50 , 000 元,则实收资本账户的贷方记入的金额为( )元。
【单选题】1 GRAMMAR A Choose the best answer. She did not stop _____ until it became dark.
【单选题】企业收到投资者投入设备一台,原价70 000 元,双方评估确认价 60 000 元(暂不考虑固定资产增值税问题)。则实收资本账户贷方登记的金额为( )元。
【单选题】Mrs. Davis said she did not know what might alleviate her pain.
【单选题】She did not stop _____ until it became dark.
【单选题】企业收到投资者投入设备一台,原价 90 000元,双方评估确认价80 000元,则实收资本账户贷方登记的金额为( )元。