【单选题】下列能使后代具有较大的变异性和生活力,最有利于生物进化的生殖方式是 ( )
【简答题】A clear picture was formed in her mind of how she would look in twenty years' time. (image) She had __________ of how she would look in twenty years' time.
【多选题】在沙门氏菌检验中,典型沙门氏菌在三糖铁试验中的结果,描述正确的是( )
【单选题】无性生殖除了植物的营养生殖外,还有以下哪些生殖方式 [ ]
【简答题】And I learn to accept others as they are. We are ____18____, __19__, ____20_____ people. We need to strive to illuminate the world with our personal ___21___ and _____22_____. From all life s, we...
【简答题】将画线词的近义词填写在横线上,使得两句话意思一样: A clear picture was formed in her mind of how she would look in twenty years' time. = She had a clear __________ of how she would look in twenty years' time.
【单选题】下列加点字注音全对的一组是( )
A.眼翳(yì) 狐肷(qiàn) 蟋蟀(shuài) 文 绉绉(zōu)
褴褛(lán) 癖好(pǐ) 哽咽(yâ) 腊八粥(là)
暮霭(ǎi) 纶巾(guān) 狩猎(shǒu) 佛狸祠(fú)
涂墁(wàn) 巷道(xiàng) 蜕变(tuì) 核苷酸(gān)