【简答题】输入 3 个实数 a, b, c 要求按从大到小顺序输出三个数,请填写程序中缺失的部分: #include void main( ) { float a,b,c,t; scanf(“%f,%f,%f”,&a,&b,&c); if (a
【简答题】本练习是Unit 2 Show Time Section A和Section B的内容 第1-4空,请将Section A的答案(如a, b) 依次填入空格 第5-9空,请将Section B 1-5的答案T(正确)或者F(错误)依次填入空格。
【单选题】听力原文:There will be only two more California shows before the band heads off to Holland for their theater tour. On Monday, October 12, the four Lennons will perform. two intimate, acoustic sets at 8 an...
Informing the fans of the band's coming shows
Publicizing the itinerary of the band
Advertising for the Typhoon Restaurant
Confirming the schedule of the band
【简答题】【 随堂测试 3】 下 图所示为一个二自由度平面关节机械手, 已知 末端 点 力 0 F =[ F x , F y ] T , 若关节无摩擦力存在 , 令 l 1 = l 2 =1m 、 F x = F y =1N 、 θ 1 =0 ° 、 θ 2 =90 ° 时 ,求等效 关节力矩 τ =[ τ 1 , τ 2 ] T 【注意】请在第一空填入τ1 = ________Nm,第二空填入τ2 = _...
【单选题】Which of the following statements is NOT true about British pub etiquette?
It is rude to start up a conversation with someone sitting at a table.
You can shout “service" or wave money about to attract the attention of the barmen.
You don't have to tip bar staff in pubs.
If you go to a pub with a group of people, usually one or two representatives will go and get the drink, not the whole group.
【简答题】零件加工程序段:N85 G91 G01 X-10 Y113 F150 S180 T4 M03 请将该程序段进行输入、译码等预处理,并将结果填入表格(约定S内码为23H,T内码为24H) (请手写并拍照上传)
【判断题】The syndrome of smartphone addiction includes you check your emails the moment you wake up, you get anxious if there is no Wi-Fi in the house and you fret when your battery bar gets low.
【单选题】防火阀感温元件采用( )易熔合金焊接而成的双铜片(或易熔管)