【单选题】The contrast between our two cultures can also be seen in terms of the fears we both harbor . Which harbor in the following sentences shares the same meaning as that in the given sentence?
We will make no distinction between the terrosits acts and those who harbor them.
I harbor no malice toward him for what he has done.
The ship has to run into the harbor when the sudden storm arises.
【简答题】若下表中语文成绩有口语,笔试两项成绩组成,数学成绩有计算机操作,笔试两项组成,英语成绩有口语,开卷,闭卷三项成绩组成,为了 在一张表格内反应这些信息,可对原表做怎样的修改? 表1 高三(1)班第一小组学生期末语文、数学、英语考试成绩表 学科 姓名 语文 试卷类别 数学 试卷类别 英语 试卷类别 谢茜 79.5 A 98 B 117 A 任蕾 67 A 76 B 107 A 贺琳 73 A 90 B...
【单选题】What elements can be included for the following first sentence of the paragraph? “Women are playing an increasingly important role in society today.”
Housework should be shared by all family members.
Women can also run for political office.
Women are treated unequally in some social activities.