【简答题】Snow.jpg 图12.jpg 利用“通道”功能制作选区,设计一小片树林,以“学号+姓名+通道1.psd”为名提交附件。素材见附件。
【单选题】在PowerPoint中下面说法错误的是( )。
【单选题】Match the meaning with the right word. Include something so that it forms a part of something else.
【简答题】根据提供的效果图和款式图,完成其工业样板的制作。 11.jpg 12.jpg
【简答题】Fill in each blank with an appropriate word according to its first letter, part of speech and definition. a_________________ be similar to but not exactly the same as sth. (vi.) o_________________ not...
【单选题】include something so that it forms a part of something else.
【判断题】土方的体积以挖掘后的虚方体积为准。( )
【单选题】include something so that it forms a part of something else