【单选题】What a pity it is that Bob ______ the habit of smoking at such an early age!A.developed intoB.s
146. What a pity it is that Bob ______ the habit of smoking at such an early age! A.developed into
【简答题】Rearrange and improve the letter to make it more acceptable. Dear Sir, We are sorry to say that the price for your cigarette lighters is too high for us to work on. So it is a pity we cannot place an ...
【单选题】A fallacy in which someone tries to win support for an argument or idea by exploiting his opponent ’ s feelings of pity or guilt. It is a specific kind of appeal to emotion.
【简答题】近距离倒车影像系统摄像头,型号NRC120,由一层强化玻璃、三层塑料镜头、CMOS图像传感器、数字信号处电路组成。用于监控汽车倒车后后方的周围情况,并将其视频信号传递至驾驶台安装的显示器上(该套装置中不含显示器),30万像素。对该产品能否按汽车零件归类产生了争议。 1、请详细说明本商品的归类思路; 2、 商品中文名称 3、 商品描述(此处需有商品属性定性,列举决定归类要素如:货物型号、规格、成分及...
【单选题】Dear Manager, I am happy that the TV set we bought last week has arrived on time. But it is a great pity that we find there is something wrong with it ... 5. What is the letter?
A . An adjustment letter
C . A complaint letter
【多选题】小海在中职期间学习电子电器维修专业,入学后他学习刻苦,不断钻研专业。此外,他还主动参加学校成立的 “技术坊”,在负责海尔、电信电器的售后服务及维修的同时,还十分留意“技术坊”的管理,时刻关注家电行业动态。毕业后,能力突出的他顺利被一家知名家电企业录用。在工作中,他不仅在本职岗位上尽职尽责,还时刻留意进货、定价、售后服务等环节。三年后,正逢国家开展家电下乡,小海带着自己的积蓄,又通过向银行贷款创办了...
【简答题】It is also called an appeal
to pity. It is a fallacy in which someone tries to win support for an argument
or idea by exploiting the opponent's sympathy or guilt.
【简答题】He doesn’t _____ into self-pity because of his job as a trashman; instead, he feels proud of it as he thinks it is an essential task.