【简答题】【目的】练习银行存款余额调节表的编制。 【资料】大华公司2006年5月30日银行对账单存款余额为26900元,银行存款日记账账面余额为15050元。在对账中发现下列未达账项: 1.向银行借款9800元,银行已转入本公司存款户,但本公司尚未记账; 2.送存银行一张支票1220元,因对方存款不足而被退回,公司尚未接到通知; 3.向供货方开出一张支票4810元,因持票人尚未到银行办理手续,银行尚未入账;...
【简答题】目的:练习银行存款余额调节表的编制。 资料:华谊公司6月份的银行存款日记账余额为280000元,银行对账单余额为370000元,经过逐笔核对,查无错账,但有如下几笔未达账项: (1)企业收到一张10000元的销货款支票,已记银行存款增加,银行尚未记增加。 (2)企业开出一张90000元的支票支付购料款,已记银行存款减少,而持票人尚未将支票送达银行,银行尚未入账记减少。 (3)银行收到外地某单位汇来...
【单选题】That is where he was bor n.
【单选题】银行存款余额调节表的编制中调节后的余额是( )
【单选题】What is the purpose of the OSPF router ID in a OR/BOR election?()
It is used with the OSPF priority values to determine which OSPF router will become the DR or BOR in a point-to-point network
It is used with the OSPF priority values to determine which interface will be used to form a neighbor relationship with another OSPF router
It is used with the OSPF priority values to determine which router will become the DR or BOR in a multi access network
It is used to determine which interfaces will send Hello packets to neighboring OSPF routers