【判断题】They order six cold dishes and four hot dishes.
【多选题】生产经营单位负责人接到事故报告后,应当迅速( ),并按照国家有关规定立即如实报告当地负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门,不得隐瞒不报、谎报或者拖延不报,不得故意破坏事故现场、毁灭有关证据。
【单选题】* A brush with death can make you appreciate life more. * It is his third brush with the law in less than a year. * People who had recovered and been discharged from hospital may suffer the trauma(创伤)...
something like toothbrush, hairbrush, shoe brush, nail brush(指甲刷),shaving brush(修面刷)...
a brief and typically unpleasant or unwelcome encounter with someone or something不愉快的接触;小冲突
【判断题】Hot dishes should be served after cold dishes in Chinese table manners.
【单选题】由于误操作,本月1日固定资产子系统计提了一次折旧,并已制单且传递到总账系统。要重新计提本月折旧,下列哪个操作步骤是正确的?_ _
“处理|查询凭证” 选择该凭证--【冲销】--“处理|计提本月折旧”。