【简答题】(此题为 2013 年第 36题) 结合材料回答问题: 材料 1 1910 年,上海人陆士谔在幻想小说《新中国》里记载了一个神奇的梦,梦中主人公随时光穿梭,看到 “ 万国博览会 ” 在上海浦东举行,为方便市民参观,上海滩建成了浦东大铁桥和越江隧道,还造了地铁,工厂中的机器有鬼斧神工之妙,租界的治外法权已经收回,汉语成了世界通用的流行语言 ...... 最后梦中人一跤跌醒,却言道: “ 休说是梦,到...
【单选题】IP 地址 的默认子网掩码有几位?( )
【单选题】Traditional British fish and chips may soon become a thing of the past as cod is fast becoming a(n) _______ fish - there may soon be none at all!
【简答题】写出下列程序的输出结果( ) #include void main() { int s = 0, i = 1; while(i< 8) { s=s+i; i++;} printf("%d\n",s); }A. 28
【简答题】读下列程序,写出程序的输出结果。 #include void main() { int x=1; do{ printf("%d ",x--); } while(!x); } 输出结果为:
【单选题】Why is the term staphylococcal in parentheses?
It's the name of the bacteria but not essential to the main idea of the research.
It's the name of the researchers who discovered that some bacteria on the skin are helpful.
It's the most important information in the outline.
【单选题】IP地址219.25.23.56的默认子网掩码有( )位连续的1