【简答题】近年来,社会中出现了种种违背诚实信用原则的现象。如,2002年,经人介绍,北京某商贸公司打算购买某企业欲出售的一套房屋,双方商定了价格、签订房屋买卖合同的时间。可过了没多久,售房企业就将该套房屋以更高的价格卖给了别人。为此,商贸公司要求售房企业承担违约责任赔偿损失,但售房企业以双方未签合同为由不予理睬。在 2003年抗击非典期间,市场上也出现了以预防非典为名的虚假广告,不法商人借机发财。据介绍,北...
【简答题】幼儿园环境创设的方法包括( )( )( )( )。
【判断题】阅读理解,判断下列句子的正误Sally worked out the problem at last. ( ) Sally was fourteen. She studied in a middle school. She liked dancing and singing and spent a lot of time on them. But she hated math...
【简答题】Write a notice with the following information Anne White wants her classmates to know that Dick Grey, a famous scholar from America, will give a lecture on American literature. The time is form 4 p.m....
【简答题】仿照例句合并句子。 She will smile, you will see she (as soon as) She will smile as soon as you see her. 1. I'll tell you the news. I'll see your teacher. __________________________________ 2. I'll give you a ...
【简答题】设 及 均存在,则 ( ). (A) 存在 (B) 不存在 (C) 不一定存在 (D) 存在但非零
【判断题】幼儿园教学活动的方法包括教师布置学习环境、运用教具、电化教育手段、提供操作材料、创设学习情境,对幼儿进行启发、讲解、演示等 。 ( )