【简答题】How do foreign visitors feel when they are called only by their first names?
【单选题】A:I'm afraid Mr. Watson is not in the office at the moment. B:()
Can you take a message, please?
My name is Don Bradley.
Hello. Can I speak to Phil Watson, please?
【单选题】以下程序的功能是( )。 # include <stdio.h> main() {FILE*fPl; *fp2; fp1:fopen('file1','r'); fp2:fopen('file2','w'); while(! Feof(fP1)) fputc(fgetc(fP1),fp2); fclose(fP1);fclose(fp2);}
【单选题】If the domestic interest rate decreases, with the foreign interest rate and the expected future spot rate remaining unchanged, the value of the domestic currency vis-à-vis the foreign currency is expe...
converge to its PPP value.
【简答题】下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,正确的一项是( )。(3分) A.沈德潜曾经先后两次乘船赴江阴,在中途路过虞山时都很想登山游览,但由于船夫的欺骗,最终都没能成游 B.同行的友人因天要下雨不想登山,而沈德潜却因对游览虞山渴望已久,于是不顾友人的阻挠,坚持独自游山 C.在游山途中,沈德潜向山僧打听山上名胜并想游尽它,但由于连续二十多天都是阴雨连绵,只得遗憾地离去 D.沈德潜游览后感到,天下胜景若未能尽...