【判断题】新旧账薄有关账户之间的结转余额,需要编制记账凭证。( )
【简答题】假如你即将写作毕业论文 , 你会选择怎样的途径来确定选题 ? 如何准备相关资料 ?
【多选题】监理工程师审查总包单位提交的分包单位资格报审表,主要审查( )。
【单选题】Why was the author fired from his job?
Because he refused to move into the community where the publishing house was located.
Because a number of his articles have led to investigations by the authorities.
Because he refused to join his bosses political party.
Because he often filed complaints against his employer.
【简答题】He is reading a note _________ the present from his grandfather with passion. A. attaching with B. attaching on C. attached to D. attached for
【单选题】( )是出生后前半年婴儿认知发展的重要里程碑,也是手的真正触觉探索的开始。