【单选题】男性,68岁,诊断为糖尿病2年,因发热、腹泄2日,突发抽搐、昏迷。血糖56.6mmol/L,血钠156.6mmol/L,血浆渗透压356 mmol/L,尿糖+++,尿酮+。 诊断考虑( )
【单选题】基于J2ME的移动支付系统使用的是( )平台。
【单选题】听力原文:[Professor] If I had to choose one genre of music to listen to, without a doubt, uhh...it would be Jazz. I'm not trying to brag but I have quite a collection of records at home. I'm very excited ...
His personal preference of the genre.
The history and various types of the genre.
The ways to appreciate the genre accompanied by a brief introduction.
The birthplace of the genre.
【简答题】施某,男,68岁,因2型糖尿病5年,发热3天伴神志不清2小时就诊。实验室检查:血糖33.3mmol/L,血钠150mmol/L,血尿素氮14.28mmol/L。该病人首先应考虑的诊断是( )A、酮症酸中毒 B、高血糖高渗性昏迷 C、低血糖 D、乳酸性酸中毒 E、水中毒 目前应首先采取的抢救措施为( )A、大量补充液体 B、积极纠正酸中毒 C、小剂量胰岛素治疗 D、平衡电解质紊乱 E、使用中枢兴奋剂...
【单选题】( )认为,由于管理层傲慢自大往往会过于乐观,会向目标企业股东出价过高或即使该项投资并无价值仍坚持投资,或在并购成本被过分抬高从而并购成本大于并购收益时仍坚持并购。
【单选题】已编辑完成的 C 语言源程序上机运行的一般过程是【 】
【单选题】听力原文:W: Good evening. Which evening class would you like to enroll for? M: I've been thinking of taking the course on Modern Music. Are there any vacancies? W: Well, let me see... We've got four place...