【简答题】Please translate the following excerpt into Chinese: He would stand before us, put his hands on his waist and take a tremendous breath. You could hear the wind, trapped in the cavern of his chest and ...
【简答题】At the Berezina River, the Russians nearly trapped the retreating French by burning the bridges over the swollen river. 1. Paraphrase the phrase “the swollen river”. 2.Translate the sentence into Chin...
【简答题】用下列单词或词组的适当形式填空。(每空 10 分, 5 分钟完成) obsession , emphasis, considerable, compliment , endure , perspective, 1. Lately, much __________ has been put on People’s life safety. 2. The cause of the virus is t...
【简答题】依据刑事诉讼法规定不追究刑事责任的人被羁押国家不承担赔偿责任的,以下哪种不符合:() A犯罪已过追诉时效期限的 B经特赦令免除刑罚的 C犯罪嫌疑人、被告人死亡的 D司法机关在释放被羁押人过程中有为法迟延行为的
【简答题】translate the sentence into Chinese At the Berezina River, the Russians nearly trapped the retreating French by burning the bridges over the swollen river.
【简答题】Translation A from English to Chinese 1. But he was not prepared for the devastating enemy that met him in Moscow — the raw, bitter, bleak Russian winter. 2. The Grand Army followed, but its advance m...
【简答题】下列可以追究刑事责任的土地违法行为有( ) A、拒不履行土地复垦义务的 B、不按照批准的用途使用国有土地的 C、未经批准或者采取欺骗手段骗取批准,非法占用土地的 D、占用耕地建窑、建坟或者擅自在耕地上建房、挖砂、采石、采矿、取土等,破坏种植条件的
【简答题】下列关于中国刑法适用范围的说法哪些是错误的?( ) A. 中国公民在中华人民共和国领域外实施的犯罪行为,按照刑法规定的最高刑为3年以下有期徒刑的,也可以适用中国刑法追究刑事责任。 B. A国公民丙在中国留学期间利用暑期外出旅游,途中为勒索财物,将B国在中国的留学生丁某从东北某市绑架到C国,中国刑法可以依据保护管辖原则对丙追究刑事责任 C. 甲国公民汤姆教唆乙国公民约翰进入中国境内发展组...