【简答题】(5) 以下程序计算某年某月有几天,闰年与平年的 2 月天数不同。判别闰年的条件是:能被 4 整除但不能被 100 整除的年是闰年,或者能被 400 整除的年也是闰年。请分析程序填空。 #include “stdio.h” main() { int yy,mm,days; printf("input year and month:"); scanf("%d %d",&yy,&mm); sw...
【简答题】以下程序计算某年某月有几天,闰年与平年的 2 月天数不同。判别闰年的条件是:能被 4 整除但不能被 100 整除的年是闰年,或者能被 400 整除的年也是闰年。请分析程序填空。 #include “stdio.h” main() { int yy,mm,days; printf("input year and month:"); scanf("%d %d",&yy,&mm); switch...
【简答题】阅读:It isn’t often that an entire industry is symbolized in the figure of a single human beingQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage: It isn’t often that an entire industry is symbolize...
【判断题】衍纸工具主要是以纸条和衍纸笔为工具。( )
【简答题】For children, what is the disadvantage of being a single child?