【简答题】下列选项中关于基础教育课程改革的目标说法不正确的是( )A. 改变课程过于注重知识传授的倾向,强调形成积极主动的学习态度 B. 整体设置九年一贯制的课程门类和课时比例,并设置分科课程 C. 加强课程内容与学生生活以及现代化社会和科技发展的联系 D. 改变课程管理过于集中的状况,实行国家、地方、学校三级课程管理
【单选题】An administrator is defining an lpp_source calledlpp_AIX6 in NIM when the following warning message is displayed in the output:warning: 0042-267 c_mk_lpp_source: The defined lpp_source does not have t...
The lpp_AIX6 is not a valid lpp_source NIM resource.
The lpp_AIX6 can be used in NIM BOS operations to install AIX only on standalone clients.
The lpp_AIX6 can be used in NIM CUST operations to install software on SPOTs and running machines.
The lpp_AIX6 does not contain all of the required software packages for NIM CUST installation operations.WArialCourier NewTimes New RomanZ