【简答题】(15分)Na 2 O 2 是常见的氧化剂,某化学小组的同学欲通过以下实验确定炭粉与Na 2 O 2 反应的产物。 [实验步骤] I、按下图所示装置(部分仪器未画出)组装仪器,并检查装置气密性。 II. 将0.6 g炭粉与3.9 g Na 2 O 2 均匀混合,装入试管,在靠近试管口处放置一张湿润的 氯化钯试纸(湿润氯化钯试纸遇CO变黑,可用于检验是否有CO生成)。 III. 用酒精灯微微加热...
【简答题】My mother only had one eye. And because of this, I never wished her to show up in my school, being afraid that my classmates would I had an ugly mother. One day during elementary school, I was terribl...