【单选题】Lin Tao is ill, so he has to go to the .
【单选题】Lin Tao is ill, so he has go to the ______.
【单选题】1患者,男,34岁,从三楼跌落10天入院。 查体:神清,MMT检查髂腰肌肌力右侧5级, 左侧4级,股四头肌肌力右侧4级,左侧3级, 胫前肌肌力右侧2级,左侧1级, 趾长伸肌肌力双侧0级。肛门括约肌无张力。感觉检查全部正常。 以上检查,可定位患者脊髓损伤平面为
【单选题】He is ill, so he has to go to the __________
【单选题】Lin Tao is ill. so he has to go to the___.
【单选题】Lin Tao is ill, so he has to go the ______.