【简答题】Base on the following operator precedence grammar G[S]: S→a|^|(T) T→T,S|S Calculate the all nonterminals FIRSTVT sets and the LASTVT sets.
【简答题】翻译下面的语句 In fact, all operators but the comma operator have
higher precedence than the assignment operators, which all have the same
【判断题】Using other relations To Construct Operator Precedence Relations: 1 a ≒ b Û P→...ab... or P→..aQb... 2 = ((LAST*)(LASTTERM)) T (±) = (LASTTERM+) T (±)
【判断题】In operator-precedence parsing, we define three disjoint precedence relations between certain pairs of terminals. a b b has lower precedence than a
【判断题】An operator grammar is one in which there are no productions containing consecutive non-terminal symbols. In such a grammar, no sentential form contains consecutive non-terminals (simple to prove this...
【单选题】Which of the following operator precedence is correct?
【单选题】最早提出“存储程序”概念、对计算机发展做出重要贡献的人是( )。
【判断题】Using definitions To Construct Operator Precedence Relations: 1 a ≒ b Û P→...ab... or P→..aQb... 2 Definition Û FIRSTVT(P)={a|P ⇒+ a... or P ⇒+ Qa...} LASTVT(P)={a|P ⇒+ ... a or P ⇒+ ... aQ} If there ...