6 Writing: A Press Release You work in the press office of an insurance company that has recently taken over another comptmy. Since the take-over there have been some negative reports about it, You decide to put out a press release. Include the following points: 1. Explain the business reasons for the take-over . (to compete with other big insurance companies; to rationalise staffing.) 2. Express your enthusiasm about the future opportunities for the merged company. 3. Thank all the employees for their support. 4. Reassure people that there won't be major job cuts. Begin like this: Last month Insure Co was pleased to announce the acquisition of ABC Insurance. The new company brings together two leading insurance providers to form the world's third largest insurance company ... Useful expressions: ...guarantees the future...; ...save staffing costs; ...the combined expertise...; ...a range of new insurance products; ...keep any job losses to a minimum.