【多选题】钱某、王某、贾某合伙购买房屋,与房地产开发商签订买卖合同,该法律关系中法律主体有( ) prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" ?xml:namespace>
【单选题】The 92 nd Academy Awards(奥斯卡奖) has helped to ______________ interest in the South Korean social satire “ Parasite ”.
【判断题】( )变压器无论带什么性质的负载,只要负载电流增大,其输出电压必然降低。
【单选题】The 82nd Oscars Academy Awards, ________ the best in film for 2009, was held on Sunday, March 7, 2010.
【多选题】钱某、王某、贾某合伙购买房屋,与房地 产开发商签订买卖合同,下列各项中,属于该法律关系主 体的有 ( ) 。
【单选题】一件采用 TNT 线上发货的医疗器具,申报价值是 usd380/pcs, 重量是 0.8 公斤,由于 TNT 的责任,导致货物运送途中丢失,卖家可获得的最高赔偿金额是( )
【单选题】 Which of the following movies won the Oscar for visual effects at the 92nd Academy Awards ?