【单选题】在一定温度下,DNA双链会解链成单链,即发生DNA变性。T m 是DNA的双螺旋有一半发生热变性时相应的温度。如图表示DNA分子中的G-C含量与DNA的T m 之间的关系曲线(EDTA 对DNA分子具有保护作用),下列叙述中不正确的是 [ ]
【单选题】有一笔分录:借方登记“生产成本”账户,贷方登记“制造费用”账户,该分录涉及的经济业务是( )。
【单选题】In each of the 13 trials, how did the magnitude of the electrical force exerted by Sphere X on Sphere Y compare to the magnitude of the electrical force exerted by Sphere Y on Sphere X ?
The magnitude of the electrical force exerted by Sphere X on Sphere Y was greater than the magnitude of the electrical force exerted by Sphere Y on Sphere X.
The magnitude of the electrical force exerted by Sphere X on Sphere Y was less than the magnitude of the electrical force exerted by Sphere Y on Sphere X.
The magnitude of the electrical force exerted by Sphere X on Sphere Y was the same as the magnitude of the electrical force exerted by Sphere Y on Sphere X.
Cannot be determined from the given information