【简答题】Rewrite each of the following sentences using a prepositional phrase introduced by the word(s) given in brackets: The proposal that we should take better care of child health was rejected. (concerning...
【单选题】He made the proposal that we______ a role play at the English evening.
【简答题】请使用python语言编写如下程序: 打印直角三角形,底和高相等。输入直角三角形的底。例如: 请输入直角三角形的底:4 * * * * * * * * * *
【单选题】I agree to the proposal that we _______ this matter again.
【简答题】新《预算法》与旧《预算法》相比,有了很大的进步,主要表现在( )。 A、加强预算内容的细化 B、健全公开透明预算制度 C、规范专项转移支付,解决“跑部钱进”问题 D、实行全口径预算管理,政府全部收支预算接受人民监督
【简答题】The proposal that we __ ________ __ (finish) the task within one week was rejected.
【单选题】选择正确答案。试述建立一个层以后,需要建立的相应内容是( )。
【单选题】按药典规定 , 精密标定的滴定液 ( 如氢氧化钠及其浓度 ) 正确表示为 ( )
氢氧化钠滴定液 (0.1524mol/L )