【简答题】阅读下列材料,回答问题. 材料一:第六次铁路大提速于2007年4月18日正式实施,预计提速后铁路客运能力增加18%,货运能力增加12%.第六次铁路大提速范围覆盖17个省市,在京哈、京沪、京广、京九、陇海、浙赣、兰新、广深、胶济等干线展开.时速120千米及以上线路延展里程达到2.2万千米,比第五次大提速增加6000千米.其中,时速160千米及以上提速线路延展里程达1.4万千米,分布在京哈、京沪、京广...
【单选题】Most IP layer-based proxy mechanisms, such as network address translation(NAT), only support uni-directional proxy, from the internal network to external network(the Internet). The proxy establishes t...
【单选题】有关①100mL 0.1mol/L NaHCO 3 ②100mL 0.1mol/L Na 2 CO 3 两种溶液的叙述不正确的是( )
①溶液中:c(CO 3 2- )<c(H 2 CO 3 )
②溶液中:c(HCO 3 - )<c(H 2 CO 3 )
【单选题】从2007年4月18日起,全国铁路正式实施第六次大面积提速,时速将达到200公里以上,其中京哈、京沪、京广、胶济等提速干线的部分区段时速可达250公里,我们从济南到青岛乘“和谐号”列车就可以体验时速250公里的追风感觉.火车转弯可以看成是在水平面内做匀速圆周运动,火车速度提高会使外轨受损.为解决火车高速转弯时外轨受损这一难题,你认为以下措施可行的是( )
【单选题】Which of the following NAT table entries indicates a static inside local IP address to a globally routable IP address translation?
Simple translation entry
Extended translation entry
Global translation entry
Inside translation entry
【单选题】Most IP layer-based proxy mechanisms, such as network address translation(NAT), only support uni-directional proxy, from the internal network to external network(the Internet). The proxy establishes t...
【单选题】Most IP layer-based proxy mechanisms,such as network address translation (NAT),only supportuni-directional proxy,from the internal network to external network(the Interned.The proxvestablishes the com...