【判断题】The author wrote and typed her angry letter and managed to mail it to the president of the United States.
【判断题】The author wrote thank-you letters to his father, his mother and his grandmother.
【简答题】结核病化疗的原则是 A、杀菌、抑菌和防止耐药药物相结合 B、早期、联合、适量用药 C、短期督导治疗和间断督导治疗 D、规律和全程用药 E、发现病例、规范用药
【简答题】男性,35岁。咳嗽、发热2周,喘息5天。2周前受凉后出现咽痛、咳嗽、发热,以干咳为主,最高体温37.8℃。口服“感冒药”后发热症状明显改善,但咳嗽症状改善不明显。5天前出现喘息,夜间明显,自觉呼吸时有“喘鸣音”。常常于夜间憋醒。接触冷空气或烟味后症状可加重。既往患“过敏性鼻炎”5年,经常使用“抗过敏药物”。无烟酒嗜好。其父患湿疹多年。 查体:T 36.2℃,P 80次/分,R 24次/分,BP 1...
【判断题】The author wrote and typed her angry letter and clearly managed to mail it to the president of the United States.
礼貌礼节常识 prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"? ?xml:namespace>
【判断题】2015年网络购物支出将突破网络消费总额的一半。( )