【单选题】“一带一路”倡议秉持和遵循( )原则,是发展的倡议、合作的倡议、开放的倡议。
【判断题】Physical measurement can be used as a basic index of cost control and cost analysis.
【单选题】以下哪项( )不符合指标体系基本要求Which of the following ( ) does not meet the basic requirements of the management index system
反映系统内部要素与外在行为间的因果关系 The index system should reflect the causal relationship between the internal elements of the system and the external behavior
反映特定时间尺度内事物的变化趋势 The index system should reflect the changing trend of things within a given time scale
应反映尽少的信息 The index system should reflect as little information as possible
应简明易懂,利于公共政策制定和文化变革 The index system should be easy to understand and facilitate public policy formulation and cultural change
【单选题】核心价值观体现着一个社会评判( )的价值标准。
【单选题】核心价值观体现着一个社会评判( )的价值标准。
【单选题】质点在平面内运动时,位矢为r (t),若保持dv/dt=0,则质点的运动是