【单选题】机械调速器的特点是( )。 I.灵敏度高 II.结构简单 III.可实现恒速调节 IV.精度较差 V.维修方便 VI.利用飞重离心力直接拉动油门
【多选题】环球船舶制造有限责任公司,是一家制造大型船舶的企业,通常万吨巨轮的工期都在一年以上,合同标的额很高,为了顺利完成任务和控制成本,该企业进行成本核算适宜以下( )方法结合运用。
【单选题】A Chinese Company made an offer on June 10th and it indicates that “Reply here not later than June 15th. On June 13th, the Chinese Company received the reply from the opposite side, saying “Your 10th ...
an effective acceptance
an effective acceptance if the Chinese Company keeps silent
【判断题】配制培养基时,一般要先调节培养基 pH ,然后定容,如果需要配制固体培养基,最后加琼脂粉。
【单选题】钢管柱的清单工程量计算规则是按设计图示尺寸以( )计算。
【单选题】The company gave away 300 dictionaries to the students at the beginning of the term, and _____500 the next term.