【简答题】用直接滴定法测定某厂生产的硬糖的还原糖含量,称取 2.000 g 样品,用适量水溶解后,定容于 100 mL 容量瓶中。吸取碱性酒石酸铜甲、乙液各 5.00 mL 于锥形瓶中,加入 10.00 mL 水,加热沸腾后用上述硬糖溶液滴定至终点耗去 9.65 mL 。已知标定裴林氏液 10.00 mL 耗去 1.000 g /L 葡萄糖液 10.15 mL ,问该硬糖中还原糖含量为多少?
【单选题】There is nothing serious ______ I am concerned. I had jumped out of the window when the bomb exploded.
【单选题】The teacher asked the students _____. [ ]
if they were interested in dinosaurs
what will they do with the computers
how many trees they have planted
【单选题】表达式max(range(1,10,2))的值为 ( )
【简答题】用直接滴定法测定某厂生产的硬糖的还原糖含量,称取 2.000 克样品,用适量水溶解后,定容于 25 0mL 。吸取碱性酒石酸铜甲、乙液各 5.00mL 于锥形瓶中,加入 10.00mL 水,加热沸腾后用上述硬糖溶液滴定至终点耗去 9.65mL 。已知标定 酒石酸甲铜 溶液液 10.00ml 耗去 0.1% mg/mL 葡萄糖液 10.15ml ,问该硬糖中还原糖含量为多少? prefix="o" ...