【判断题】81 普通螺旋传动只能将回转运动转变为直线运动。( )
【单选题】对于泰州市城市道路按照功能分类中,泰州职业技术学院校内日新路为地区交通服务,起集散交通作用指的是( )
【简答题】A.He is too busy with his job. B.He earns too little to have any form. of recreation. C.He does not like it. D.He watches TV all night long.
【单选题】点击死链接,返回的HTTP状态码一般是( )
【简答题】A.Because he is not interested in the project. B.Because he is too busy to spare some time. C.Because he will leave on a business trip soon. D.Because he needs time to get to know the project.