【简答题】So, unless the government has a good system of control, or can educate the people, the forests will slowly disappear.
【单选题】患者男,52 岁,因血栓性脉管炎收治入院。医生嘱咐其如未进行规范的运动,将有截肢的危险。患者遂夜寐难安,无故发怒,与家人吵架。护士对患者进行心理护理,以减轻患者的负性情绪。
【判断题】旅行社不可以接受旅游者的委托,代订交通客票、代订住宿,以及代办出境、入境、签证手续等。( )
【单选题】The government has a policy of fostering the public awareness of the dangers in smoking.
【单选题】So, ________ the government has a good system of control or can educate the people, the forests will slowly disappear.
【单选题】What actions have been taken by the government?
The government has spent more than half a billion dollars on drought relief.
Next week the cabinet would discuss how to fight the drought.
The Prime Minister was not satisfied with farmers' complaints.
They pay more attention to farmers' depression and rising debt.