今天是学期第一节课,我们做一个稍简单的改错练习。短文中长句少,有十个错误,请找出来进行改正。并在作业区把1-10 的答案写出来, 因为手机上格式会乱,因此每个编号前划线的句子就是每个编号的修改区域。 We Americans are incredible lazy. Instead of 1.___ cooking a nourishing meal, we pop a freezing 2.___ dinner into the oven. Instead of studying daily 3.___ newspaper, we are contented with the capsule summaries on the network news. Worse of all, 4.___ instead of walking evenly a few blocks to the local 5._ convenience store, we jump into our car. This 6.__ independence on the automobile, even for short 7.__ trips, have robbed us of a valuable experience 8.__ walking. If we drove less and walked less, we 9.__ would save money, and become healthier, and 10._ discover fascinating things about our surroundings.