【单选题】按照马斯洛的人类基本需要层次论原则排列护理计划的优先次序,正确的是 A.活动肢体、避免伤害、降温、亲友探视、娱乐活动 B.尊重、活动肢体、营养、感官刺激、亲友探视 C.营养、活动肢体、避免伤害、良好护患关系、尊重 D.补液、感官刺激、发挥潜能、尊重、亲友探视 E吸氧、保护隐私、降温、营养、亲友探视
【单选题】For an imaginary economy, the consumer price index was 115.00 in 2014, 126.50 in 2015, and 136.62 in 2016. Which of the following statements is correct?
For this economy, the base year must be 2014.
If the basket of goods that is used to calculate the CPI cost $75.00 in the base year, then that basket of goods cost $115.00 in 2014
This economy’s rate of inflation for 2016 is 10.12 percent
None of the above is correct
【简答题】下列项目中不属于非流动负债的有( )。 A长期借款 B应付票据 C融资租入固定资产应付款 D应付债券