Most American movies are produced in Hollywood,California.Hollywood,which is actually not a separate city but a part of Los Angeles,is an ideal spot for the movie industry.The sun shines most of the time,and the climate is mild.Almost every kind of natural scenery is within a few hours ’ drive. Hollywood becomes the center of national attention one evening a year - Academy Award night. At the Academy Award presentation held each spring, statuettes called Oscars are given to film industry winners in dozens of categories, including best actor, best actress, and best picture. The winners are chosen by members of the industry before the ceremony, but their names are kept secret until presentation night, when they are announced in a long, nationally televised program. Motion pictures were extremely popular in the United States after World War II,when television captured much of the movie audience.Geared to the masses, Hollywood movies offered much the same type of entertainment as television does. With free entertainment in their homes, many Americans simply stopped going to movies. Between 1946 and 1956, movie attendance was cut in half. At the same time, production costs zoomed. The movie industry was in trouble. The industry adjusted itself in a number of ways. Movie companies rented sound stages to TV companies and sold old movies to TV. To cut costs, Hollywood produced fewer movies and filmed many of them overseas. To lure audiences, the industry invested in new lenses,wider screens,and stereophonic sound. Studios also began producing kinds of entertainment that could not be offered by TV-films with controversial or shocking themes, films with huge casts and lavish settings. As a result of these changes, today the American motion picture industry is thriving. 46. What makes Hollywood a great place for American movie industry according to the passage? A. A famous part of Los Angeles B. Favorable natural and traffic conditions C. Natural scenery with mild climate and the shining sun D. A great industrial base of American 47. Which one about Oscars is correct according to the passage? A .It is the name of a great film figure B. It is given to World Academy Award in America each year C. It is a yearly honor to winners in movie industry D. It doesn ’ t produce until Academy Award night in each spring 48. Why did many Americans like entertaining in homes instead of going to cinema after World War II? A. Because the quality of film was becoming worse and worse B. Because Hollywood movies couldn ’ t offer entertainment similar to television C. Because the movie industry was in trouble for expensive production cost D. Because TV ’ s popularity made them enjoy without paying 49. What does the word “ zoomed ” (in the last sentence of the third paragraph) mean? A. Moved along very quickly B. Rose upward into the air C. Increased high in price D. Moved with a low humming noise 50. The movie industry tried many methods to lure audiences except__________. A. building commercial relationship with TV companies B. improving its basic equipment C. producing films with famous stars in low cost D. offering types of entertainment different from TV
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【简答题】I hope you have been able to review the information for new programs(see the last email I sent you). If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me. Besides, please tell me who will be goi...
【单选题】--I hope you have a good trip. --_________________         .
Thank you    
I hope so       
I think so
【简答题】下面代码的输出结果是 。 x=12.34 print(type(x))
【简答题】下面代码的输出结果是 a=[1,2,3] if isinstance( a, float) print("{}" is float".format. a) else: print ("{}" is not float".format. a) A。执行代码出错 B a is C.[1, 2, 3] is not float D. a is floatA. 执行代码出错 B a is C.[1, 2...
【单选题】下面代码的输出结果是 ( ) x = 12.34 print(type(x))
class 'int'
class 'float'
class 'bool'
class 'complex'