【单选题】The students in the classroom ________ not to make such a big fuss.
【单选题】The highest award was given to Anna, who_________so hard on the project for years, and at last he
35.The highest award was given to Anna, who_________so hard on the project for years, and at last her efforts paid off. A.has worked
【单选题】The doctor was careful _____ the patient the truth.
【单选题】The Chinese meaning for “urine” is ___.
【简答题】背景: XX省某大型水闸工程招标文件按《水利水电工程标准施工招标文件》(2009年版)编制,部分内容如下: 第二章投标人须知 ①投标人须将混凝土钻孔灌注桩工程分包给XX省水利基础工程公司; ②未按招标文件要求提交投标保证金的,其投标文件将被拒收; ③投标报价应以XX省水利工程设计概(估)算编制规定及其配套定额为编制依据,并不得超过投标最高限价; ④距投标截止时间不足15日发出招标文件的澄清和修改通...
【单选题】诊断脾肾阳虚证,下列哪项最有意义?( )
【单选题】( )35.The funny man always makes people ______.