【简答题】There is little rain this year , ? A. isn’t it B.is there C.isn’t there
【单选题】There is plenty of rain in the southeast, there is little in the northwest.
【单选题】企业文化具有为职工创造一种良好环境和氛围的功能。这是企业文化的( )。
【单选题】下列句子中,加点字解释正确的一项是 1先君子尝言 先君子:已死的父亲 2必躬造左公第 造:制造 3文方成草 草:草稿 4漏鼓移则番代 番代:轮换 5视学 京畿 视学:任学政 6后常流涕以语人 涕:鼻涕 7左公甥也 甥:外甥 8 奉檄守御 檄:古代官府用以晓谕或声讨的文高,此指军事公文
【简答题】为保证面层和基层不受路基水温状况变化所造成的不良影响,必要时要设置( )。
【单选题】United there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided there is little we can do.
【单选题】United there is little we cannot do in a host of co-operative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do.