【多选题】下列单位或个人取得房屋的情形中,可以由当事人单方申请登记的有( )
【单选题】下列汇票背书记载事项中,属于相对应记载事项的是( )。
【判断题】Conversation is more complex than presentation but less complicated than academic writing.
【单选题】张某与李某在甲市A区签订房屋买卖合同,将位于甲市B区的房屋卖给李某,合同约定如果发生纠纷,由甲市A区人民法院管辖。经查张某家住甲市C区,李某家住甲市D区。后双方因该房屋发生纠纷,张某拟向人民法院起诉。根据规定,对该案享有管辖权的法院是( )。
【判断题】EI 是梁的抗弯刚度,提高它的最有效、最合理的方法是 采用 惯性矩大的截面形状
【单选题】听力原文: At an early age, little girls' conversation is less definite and expresses more doubts, while little boys use conversation to establish status with their listeners. These differences continue in...
Boys tend to speak more than girls.
Girls are more expressive than boys.
Girls care more about their listeners.
Boys show more certainty about things than girls.
【判断题】Compared with daily conversation, public speaking is more highly structured and requires more formal language.
【单选题】悬挑式脚手架一般是多层悬挑,将全高的脚手架分成若干段,利用悬挑梁或悬挑架做脚手架基础分段搭设,每段搭设高度不宜超过( )m o
【单选题】2007年,李某立了一份公证遗嘱,将自己的一套房屋留给儿子李甲。后来李甲与王某结婚,生有一子李乙。2010年,李某立了自书遗嘱,指定前述房屋由李甲、李乙二人共同继承。2019年,李某去世,该房屋( )