阅读理解。 Founded two years ago, All Green Electronics Recycling is a full-service electronics recycler and collector. It offers pick-up services as well as hundreds of convenient drop-off locations, nationwide. Currently, it collects more than two million pounds of electronics per month. All Green Electronics Recycling announces its new national headquarters' grand opening on January 13, 2011 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. ---- a Green Carpet Event ---- followed by a free, three-day electronics recycling event aimed at giving back to the local community in Orange County. Both are open to the public and are located at: 15561 Del Amo Ave. in Tustin. 'We are particularly excited about the promising new job opportunities available for California residents,' says Arman Sadeghi, CEO, All Green Electronics Recycling. All Green is growing at jaw-dropping rates. While many companies continue to cut back and lay off valuable employees, All Green has hired a new person every 4.1 days since its incorporation and is predicted to hire another 100 employees in the next six months. In addition to new jobs, many local non-profits and schools will also benefit. All Green is creating community partnerships and setting up collection events while donating a percentage of the proceeds from the recycled electronics. Rather than allowing old televisions or computers to end up at the dump, All Green provides the public with a way of recycling their old working or non-working electronics safely and responsibly for free. In fact, those with at least 10 computers, monitors and televisions can go to: http://www.allgreenrecycling.com to schedule a free pick up in many areas. Unlike many of its competitors, the company sorts and separates all e-waste within their warehouse and does not ship anything overseas for processing. It also ensures that any electronics placed in its care will never find its way into a landfill. All Green already has a recycling facility in Sacramento and is set to expand its New York operations within 60 days. For more information: to check out the Electronics Recycling Carbon Footprint Calculator; or to locate a facility in your area, visit: www.allgreenrecycling.com . 1. Which of the following is true of All Green Electronics Recycling? A. It offers secondhand electronics for free. B. It will open on January 13, 2011 in Tustin. C. It provides drop-off locations nationwide. D. It has no head quarter in he past two years. 2. What does the underlined sentence 'All Green is growing at jaw-dropping rates' in the third paragraph mean? A. All Green is developing at an amazing speed. B. All Green is very popular with employees. C. All Green will lay off some valuable employees. D. All Green is growing into incorporation soon. 3. What can we know from the passage? A. All Green won't fire any employees in the coming six months. B. It is hard to remain employed in many companies. C. Valuable employees won't be fired in many companies. D. The residents benefit from All Green, but schools suffer. 4. What's the difference between All Green and its competitors? A. It provides many new jobs to the residents. B. It donates some percentage of the proceeds. C. It offers a safe way of recycling old electronics. D. It never sends e-waste abroad or put it in landfills. 5.What can be inferred from paragraph 5? A. People may throw away their old televisions or computers. B. People must visit http://www.allgreenrecycling.com C. Only if you have over 10 wasted electronics, can All Green handle them. D. Only after the electronics are out of use can All Green handle them.
【简答题】What is thesignificant thing that the speaker would like to see happening?
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【多选题】期望效用理论的拦路虎是( )。
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【简答题】患儿,4岁半。麻疹后发热20余天,乏力、精神萎靡、盗汗,伴阵发性痉挛性咳嗽、气促,听诊肺部有少许干啰音,来医院进行诊治。为明确诊断,此时应首先进行哪项检查A、外周血常规 B、胸部X线摄片 C、痰液培养 D、鼻咽拭子荧光抗体技术 E、PPD试验 若患儿胸部X线片示肺门淋巴结肿大,其首先应采用下列哪项治疗方案A、异烟肼+利福平+吡嗪酰胺 B、乙胺丁醇+链霉素 C、异烟肼+氨硫脲 D、利福平+乙胺丁醇 ...
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【简答题】杜甫《登高》:“艰难苦恨繁霜鬓,( )。”
【单选题】Speaker A: Would you do me a favor? Speaker B: ______
I would.
With pleasure.
I don't know if I can.
What is the favor?
【简答题】what is the significant thing that the speaker would like to see happening?