【单选题】Which of the following abbreviations refers to drugs that do NOT require a doctor's prescription?
include()会生成致命错误,并停止脚本 require()会生成警告,脚本会继续
require()会生成致命错误,并停止脚本 include()会生成警告,脚本会继续
【简答题】宏(Macro)是指一个或多个 的集合。
【判断题】唐朝中心东移后,长安以东、以南的道路随之开始建设,并与丝绸之路连接。( )
【单选题】如果线性规划的最优解存在,则最优解一定会出现在( )。
【简答题】S1:What kind of medical assistance is required?S2:I require helicopter with doctor to pick up the casualty.Q:What is required?A. a rescue boat. B. a helicopter. C. a doctor. D. a life boat.
【简答题】根据听到的内容作答____. A) Both require strength and specialized skills. B) Both require height and responsibility. C) Both require enthusiasm and hard work. D) Both require flexibility and good health.