【单选题】“There was a massive decrease in the number of tumors following p.o. administration of green tea” What writing mistake does this sentence make( )?
【单选题】(2012 ·全国新课标卷文综· 24) 汉武帝设置十三州刺史以监察地方,并将豪强大族“田宅逾制”作为重要的监察内容,各地财产达 300 万钱的豪族被迁到长安附近集中居住。这表明当时 ( )
【单选题】MN obtained a license free of charge from the government to dig and operate a gold mine.On the 31 October 20x9 there was a massive earthquake in the area and MN’s mine shaft was badly damaged. It is e...
Treat as an adjusting with a disclosure note
Treat as a non-adjusting with a disclosure note
Treat as a non-adjusting without a disclosure note
Treat as an adjusting without a disclosure note