【简答题】These sentences are about the reading. Complete them with the target words and phrases in the box.
【简答题】These sentences are about the reading. Complete them with the target words and phrases in the box.
【简答题】These sentences are about the reading. Complete them with the target words and phrases in the box.
【简答题】【案例】男性,36岁。慢性腹泻2年,大便每日2~3次,有脓血。肠镜见直肠黏膜充血水肿,浅溃疡,黏膜活检可见隐窝脓肿。根据上述资料,最可能的诊断是A.溃疡性结肠炎 B.克罗恩病 C.结肠癌 D.结肠息肉 E.慢性细菌性痢疾 该疾病的病变分布中下列哪项是错误的A.肛周病变少 B.呈连续性 C.不涉及回肠 D.多数在直肠、乙状结肠 E.非节段性 最合适的初始治疗药物是A.地塞米松 B.氟哌酸 C.泼尼松...
【简答题】These sentences are about the reading. Complete them with the target words and phrases in the box.