【单选题】Do you know Nelson , _______ was the first black president of South Africa.
【单选题】Nelson was praised by the world for his insistent commitment to the cause of racial _________.
【单选题】党的以来,以同志为核心的党中央坚持以马克思列宁主义、思想、理论、“”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,顺应时代发展,集中全党智慧,大力推进理论创新,创立了新时代中国特色社会主义思想,开辟了马克思主义中国化新境界、中国特色社会主义新境界。新时代中国特色社会主义思想的创立反映了() 1哲学家们是真理的发现者 2真正的哲学都是自己时代的精神上的精华 3马克思主义哲学...
【多选题】Which of the following are correct about Nelson ?
a president in South Africa
an anti-apartheid revolutionary
【单选题】—Have you heard of ______ death of Nelson ? --Oh, really? It will be ______shock to the world.
【单选题】2009年7月24日,暑期大中专学生“三下乡”活动启动。在这一活动中,要虚心向农民群众学习,同人民群众建立浓厚的感情。从历史唯物主义角度看,这是因为() ①人民群众是社会实践的主体,是历史的创造者 ②自觉站在最广大人民的立场上,把人民群众利益作为最高价值标准 ③科学发展观的本质是以人为本 ④“”重要思想的本质是立党为公,执政为民
【单选题】Nelson is,__________ the greatest man of the 20 th century,certainly among the most extraordinary leaders.
【单选题】The purpose of taking the example of Gandhi and Nelson is to show that______.
great men are easier to win other people's trust
formal authority is always the impediment of leadership
leaders have the same rights with the employers
gaining leadership does not rely solely on authority