【简答题】案例:蜗牛餐厅 某邮轮上的主餐厅,就餐时间到了,史密斯先生到主餐厅去吃饭,可是他坐下好久都没有服务员来送菜单,好不容易看到服务员过来,招招手,原来这个服务员不是史密斯先生所坐餐桌的服务员,史密斯先生左等右等,总算把自己餐桌的服务员等来了,可是服务员又忙着给另外一桌的客人拿开水和饮料,服务员忙完之后才把菜单拿给史密斯先生,史密斯先生原本愉快的就餐心情也被破坏了,随便点了两个菜,吃完就走了。 问题: ...
【简答题】Tolerance to shade is one criterion for the _____________ of plants in forestry and horticulture.
【单选题】Which one is not right about the Book of Fan Shengzhi?
It is generally viewed as the oldest existing agricultural treatise of China.
It provided a detailed description of compartment method which promised higher yields per acre.
It described the seed coating technique, one of the oldest seed processing methods.
It covered a wide range of topics, detailing agronomy, horticulture, forestry, sericulture as well as the processing of sideline products, etc.
【单选题】Horticulture is one part of plant agriculture concerned with so-called _____________ .
【单选题】耐心服务是指餐厅服务员以高尚的道德修养,对服务过程中的各种情况和问题做到( )。