【简答题】Last but not 1) , have you ever heard the term “to make a New Year’s 2) ?” It is something that American and Europeans 3) ___________ to do in the coming year, usually involving giving up bad 4) _____...
【单选题】下列句子节奏划分正确的一项是( )(2分)
【简答题】Fill in the blanks without referring to the original text. Then check your answers against the original. After that , read the passage aloud until you can say it from memory. Last but not 1 ) ___ , ha...
【简答题】病史摘要:男性,1岁,发热、呕吐、腹泻3天。 患儿3天前开始发热39℃,起病半天即开始吐泻,每日呕吐3-5次,为胃内容物,非喷射性,大便10余次/日,为黄色稀水便,蛋花汤样,无黏液及脓血,无特殊臭味,偶有轻咳。发病后食欲差,2天来尿少,10小时来无尿,曾用新霉素治疗好转。既往常有夜惊。个人史:第2胎,第2产,足月顺产,牛乳喂养。 查体:T38.3℃,P138次/分,R40次/分,BP80/50mm...
【判断题】电视广告以画面表现见长,所以应 充分利用图像,以画面为主,文案要少而精。
【简答题】Last but not 1 , have you ever heard the term “to make a New Year’s 2 ”? It is something that Americans and Europeans 3 to do in the coming year, usually involving giving up bad 4 (e.g. giving up s...
【简答题】Fill in the blanks without referring to the original text. Then check your answers against the original. After that, read the passage aloud until you can say it from memory. Last but not 1) , have you...
【简答题】男性,1岁,发热、呕吐、腹泻3天 患儿3天前开始发热39℃,起病半天,即开始吐泻,每日约呕吐3-5次,为胃内容物,非喷射性,大便10余次/日,为黄色稀水便,蛋花汤样,无粘液及脓血,无特殊臭味,偶有轻咳。发病后食欲差,二天来尿少,10小时来无尿,曾用新霉素治疗好转。既往常有夜惊。个人史:第2胎,第2产,足月顺产,牛乳喂养。 查体:T38.3℃,P138次/分,R40次/分,Bp80/50mmHg...