Part A : Identifying Main Points Each of the ten statements below contains information given in one of the sections in the text. Each section is marked with a letter. Identify the section from which the information is derived. More than one statement may refer to the same section. 1. Some websites created by individuals are reliable. 2. A polite email to the author of pages found on the Web will help to establish if he or she is qualified to write the material. 3. Students have the opportunity to refer to the Web more frequently than most working people. 4. Lawyers check the language used in films and TV programmes to make sure it is legal. 5. The Web has removed the travel costs that are involved in a visit to a library. 6. Traditional publishers employ a range of specialists to ensure that the quality of their publications is high. 7. The Web is a largely unrestricted medium. 8. Certain features can help a Web user determine whether a site belongs to an organization. 9. It is a good idea to check the credentials of an individual writer of material placed on the Web. 10. Having a PhD increases the chances that an author is reliable.