【简答题】When buyers _____ an order with a seller for the first time, they usually have a lot of questions.First, they want to ______ prices, of course, and they also want to know what kind of _______ the se...
【简答题】2012年1月18日,全国红色旅游工作协调小组第十次会议在京召开。会议指出,加强爱国主义教育基地建设,各地、各有关部门要从有利于凝聚民心、有利于巩固党的执政基础、有利于维护国家长治久安的战略高度,充分认识发展红色旅游的重要性,把红色旅游摆上重要议事日程,用好红色旅游资源,使之成为弘扬培育民族精神和时代精神的重要课堂,推进社会主义现代化建设。阅读材料,回答下列问题。 (1)有人认为在现代化建设的今天...
【单选题】党的十八大报告首次单篇论述生态文明,首次把“( )”作为未来生态文明建设的宏伟目标,把生态文明建设摆在总体布局的高度来论述,融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各方面和全过程,表明我们党对中国特色社会主义总体布局认识的深化,把生态文明建设摆在五位一体的高度来论述,也彰显出中华民族对子孙、对世界负责的精神。
【简答题】When buyers 1 an order with a seller for the first time, they usuall have a lot of questions. First, they want to 2 prices, of course, and they also want to know what kind of 3 the seller can offer. V...
【判断题】If buyers expect the price of a good to fall in the near future, we would expect that to cause the current price and the quantity traded to increase as a result.
【单选题】2018年中央一号文件再次聚焦“三农”问题,要求深人推进新农村建设,在抓好农村基础设施建设的同时,还要加强乡村文化建设,把农村精神文明提升至新的高度。这说明中国共产党( ) 1具有与时俱进的执政能力 2履行组织社会主义文化建设的职能 3始终以全心全意为人民服务为宗旨 4把精神文明建设作为农村工作中心
【判断题】If buyers expect the price of a good to fall in the near future, we would expect that to cause the current price and the quantity traded to decrease as a result.
【单选题】What will happen in the artichoke market now if buyers expect higher artichoke prices in the near future?
The demand for artichokes will increase.
The demand for artichokes will decrease.
The demand for artichokes will be unaffected.
The supply of artichokes will increase.
【单选题】在起运站将不同发货人托运至同一到站且性质适宜配载的各种零担货物,同时装运至到达地的运输组织形式是( )式零担运输。